Celebrating the End of 2019

As we near the end of 2019, we have a lot to celebrate at Speech Tree! Here are some of our favorite moments of the year: 

  1. We moved into a new office and then expanded our Chula Vista location! We now have a bigger waiting room, additional therapy rooms, and a second sensory room! We love our office and enjoy hearing all the laughter and language learning that happens throughout! 

  2. Our ROOTS Parent-Child program led many groups in our Mission Valley Office that encouraged parents in how to aid their child’s communication through fun, crafts and play! We can’t wait for many more ROOTS groups to come in 2020! 

  3. We hired an Occupational Therapist! Grace, our amazing OT, has been helping us develop an fantastic occupational therapy program at our Chula Vista Office. 

  4. Our Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) program in Mission Valley led the way in evaluating clients that would benefit from AAC. We worked with families and our clients in obtaining AAC devices, as well as trained staff at a local school district. 

  5. Our staff grew to include fabulous new therapists! We had a lot of fun together both at work and outside of work-having a company dinner, walking at the Race for Autism and cheering on our Padres! 

  6. We enjoyed spending time with our clients outside of therapy at our Halloween Carnival and Sensory Santa events. 

  7. Last, but not least, we worked on rebranding our logo and creating an amazing new website! 

We are so thankful for all the wonderful clients and families we work with and we look forward to what 2020 will bring! 

Donald Gould